Saturday, June 2, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012


The Ruby-throated hummingbirds are back. In fact they were back early this year. If you want to photograph them on your back porch here are some tips. Set up your camera on a tripod and pre-focus on a flower or feeder that you have seen the birds using. You will need either a remote electronic release for the camera, or a physical wire release. If you use the former you can go inside and trigger the camera from a distance. If you have to use a physical release you will have to stay close to the camera and not move much. In fact you can even trigger the camera by hand if you have the patience to stand still by the tripod for a time. The birds do get used to people, and sometimes will give you the treat of flying right up to your face to take a look! A flash is vital to this exercise. Most cameras today will balance flash and available light exposure. So set the camera for available light and then turn on the flash for balanced fill light. Assuming you are using a digital camera, take a test shot light this one.

If you are not satisfied with the test exposure make some adjustments and try again until it is right. In this case the background was the sky on a grey overcast day with slight underexposure. That is why it looks like a neutral grey background. Once you are satisfied with the test, sit back and wait for the main attraction and maybe you will get something like this, or even better.
Remember, I am eager to hear from you with ideas, questions, or stories of your photographic successes or failures. Email me at:

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